Tag: wellness

In the age of the internet, our ability to access information is easier than ever. And with the COVID-19 virus monopolizing conversation and increasing anxiety, we need reliable facts and advice to fe
You’ve likely read that self-care is something we’re supposed to do, and maybe you’ve even dabbled in it on occasion. But women particularly have a hard time committing to it. Here’s how women in rece
“The effects of colour fly under our awareness radar,” says professor Andrew Elliot, a lead researcher in the field of colour psychology. Whether you know it or not, you (and even some animals!) are a
Men and women experience heart attacks in unique ways. The stories of two heart attack survivors demonstrate just how different the experience can be and why paying attention to what our bodies are te
We all know salty chips are loaded with sodium. But how about that innocent-looking can of soup in your pantry? Take a closer peek at its nutrition label, and you might find that it\'s loaded with sodi
Leafy greens offer a powerful combination of vitamins and minerals, as well as phytonutrients that act as antioxidants, inflammation fighters, and overall health boosters. There are countless reasons
Viruses beware! We all love snacking on different types of berries so we can benefit from their wonderful health effects, but have you ever considered the magic of elderberries?What’s so great about e
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the leading modifiable risk factor for death worldwide. In Canada, medication is commonly prescribed to the one in four Canadians who suffer from high blood pr
People often talk about how “love is in the air.” Research shows this might be true—literally! When you enter a room, your body releases sexual chemicals that tell others about you. What scents are yo
1. Air pollution: a mixture of natural and synthetic substances in the air we breathe. Indoor air pollution can be reduced by making sure that your building is well ventilated and regularly cleaned to

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