Tag: wellness

Parents, these days, are often inundated to the point of confusion and paralysis when it comes to figuring out what to feed their kids. In this article, inspired by the latest version of Canada’s Food
“Don’t go outside,” my grandmother scolded. “It’s wet. You’ll get sick!” As wise as she is, that’s not quite how the cold and flu viruses work. Let’s break it down, cough by cough, and examine which n
Is a fear or failing getting you down? Is the pursuit of “perfect” punishing? To understand the pitfalls of perfectionism, the impacts of fearing failure, and the gifts of focusing on the journey rath
You’ve heard of macronutrients and micronutrients. They’re both vital for optimal nutrition. Now, there’s a newly defined category that could be just as important for well-being, one that sits right i
Every parent has at some point wondered whether their child lacks focus, perhaps overlooking the fact that today’s children are growing up in a busy world, full of stimuli that their developing brains
Many people run to their doctor at the first sign of a cold or flu, demanding a prescription for antibiotics. But antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not viruses, which are the true cause
We all remember those awkward, angst-filled teenage years. Many of us also remember something else: what the commercials call acne or blemishes, but what our friends called zits, pimples, and pizza nu
Growing interest in cannabis has sparked new discussion about the substance’s use by seniors. In fact, the future of cannabis may be silver: older adults represent the fastest growing group of people
Over a century ago, two British physicians prescribed fermented foods with friendly bacteria for mood support. The practice didn’t catch on. But modern research suggests they were onto something: the
Are you eyeing up echinacea and elderberry now that cold and flu season is fully underway? Good. That’s wise of you. But minimizing sick days isn’t just a matter of which supplements you use to kick a

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